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Morality- Restoring the Common Good - May 25th

by Jonathan Sacks

Thursday May 25, 2022

Can We Reason Together - Part III

Chapter 12 – Safe Space

Welcome everyone to the United Methodist Men’s Book Study –

How did we do with last meeting’s challenge:

- How can we create Trust?

Recap from – Post Truth

What is Post-Truth?

When the facts are less influencing than the emotional or personal belief of the story.

Manipulation of the messages we see…

Algorithms show us more of what we looked at before, or what ‘they’ want us to see

Who does this?

Social Media Platforms… to get more look time, mor clicks, more adds and your personal

information – what you like, what you buy, what you read.

Companies – Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, Governments –

How Can We Protect Ourselves:




Use your Experience

Chapter 12 - Safe Space

What is a ‘Safe Space’?

A place where challenging beliefs is not allowed, only supporting discussions.

A Cloistered world.

What are examples of cloistered words today?

What happens when we stop discussions?

Do we Abandon the first amendment?

Are We all the same, and believe the same?

Honor Vs. Dignity

Honor – A direct response to an insult

Dignity – Don’t take it personally (turn the other cheek?)

How honorble when chasing dignity turns to pressure a 3rd party (Police, Legislature) to punish

the ‘wrong doer’.

If you designate a space as “Safe from Discussion” do all other places become ‘Unsafe’?

What happens then?

Is Freedom of Speech Unlimited?

No… But restrictions on speech are kept NARROW, on purpose

  • Threatening Speech

  • Libel/slander

  • Speech promoting violence or insurrection

Do we have an

  • Intolerance for Intellectual Diversity?

  • Intolerance for Belief/Religious Diversity?

  • Intolerance for Race Diversity?

  • Intolerance for Biological Diversity?


How did we become so afraid of others?

We used to be a Moral community, collectively engaged in the pursuit of Truth.

Now our pursuit is about POWER

He who can mobilize the most followers for a particular viewpoint / leader / action - WINS

What Happened?

Dichotomous thinking – You are on my side, or you are the enemy.

Over Generalization – Wanting a UNIVERSAL FIX – ignoring the specifics

Catastrophization – It isn’t the End-Of-The-World … yet.

Mind-Reading – You really don’t know what everyone, or anyone is thinking.

When our country was created, and at certain times in our history, we lived to high ideals, and we

answered great challenges, we aspired to greatness… and even though we often fell short, we did not

give up, we tried again. We failed BOLDLY.

We stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reasons, we passed laws, struck down laws for

moral reasons, we waged wars on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our

neighbors. We put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat our chest. We built great

big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and we

cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest economy. We reached for the stars,

acted like men. We aspired to intelligence, we didn't belittle it, it didn't make us feel inferior. We

didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in our last election, and we didn't we didn't scare so

easy. - Will McAvoy

What we forget we repeat.

How do we blackmail those who questions us, or those we disagree with?

- Yelp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter

When we let the truth die, all that is left is the will of the powerful.

Audi, Alteram, Partem… Hear the other side…

- Greek Senate


How can we hear the ‘other’ side?

Next Week – Part 3, Chapter 12 - Two Ways to Argue


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